Wikipedia:Liste de artikles kel chaki wikipedia deve kontena
Traduktet fro li angli pagine: w:List_of_articles_all_languages_should_have.
[edit source]Actores, danseres e modeles
[edit source]Artistes e arkitektes
[edit source]- Paul Cézanne
- Le Corbusier
- Salvador Dalí
- Albrecht Dürer
- Vincent van Gogh
- Francisco Goya
- William Hogarth
- Hokusai
- Frida Kahlo
- Édouard Manet
- Henri Matisse
- Michelangelo
- Claude Monet
- Georgia O'Keeffe
- Pablo Picasso
- Jackson Pollock
- Nicolas Poussin
- Raphael
- Rembrandt
- Auguste Rodin
- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
- Diego Velázquez
- Johannes Vermeer
- Vitruvius
- Andy Warhol
- Christopher Wren
- Frank Lloyd Wright
Autores, pleo-skripteres, e poetes
[edit source]- Dante Alighieri
- Hans Christian Andersen
- Aristophanes
- Isaac Asimov
- Jane Austen
- William Blake
- Bertolt Brecht
- Lord Byron
- Miguel de Cervantes
- Anton Chekhov
- Emily Dickinson
- Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Arthur Conan Doyle
- Du Fu
- Alexandre Dumas
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Brothers Grimm
- Dashiell Hammett
- Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Ernest Hemingway
- Hildegard of Bingen
- Hómeros
- Victor Hugo
- Langston Hughes
- Henrik Ibsen
- James Joyce
- Franz Kafka
- Li Bai
- Astrid Lindgren
- Thomas Mann
- Matsuo Bashō
- Edna St. Vincent Millay
- Arthur Miller
- Molière
- Murasaki Shikibu
- Pablo Neruda
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Marcel Proust
- Aleksandr Pushkin
- Rainer Maria Rilke
- Carl Sandburg
- Sappho
- Jean-Paul Sartre
- William Shakespeare
- George Bernard Shaw
- Mary Shelley
- Sophocles
- Robert Louis Stevenson
- J. R. R. Tolkien
- Leo Tolstoy
- Mark Twain
- Jules Verne
- Virgil
- H. G. Wells
- Walt Whitman
- Oscar Wilde
- William Butler Yeats
- Zeami Motokiyo
Komposiistes e musikistes
[edit source]- Johann Sebastian Bach
- The Beatles
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- Frédéric Chopin
- Antonín Dvořák
- Aretha Franklin
- Edvard Grieg
- Gustav Mahler
- Claudio Monteverdi
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Elvis Presley
- Jean Sibelius
- Richard Wagner
[edit source]- Roald Amundsen
- Neil Armstrong
- Willem Barents
- Vitus Bering
- Jacques Cartier
- Christopher Columbus
- James Cook
- Hernán Cortés
- Francis Drake
- Leif Ericson
- Vasco da Gama
- Edmund Hillary
- Ferdinand Magellan
- Tenzing Norgay
- Marco Polo
- Abel Tasman
- Zheng He
Filme direkteres e filme skripteres
[edit source]- Ingmar Bergman
- Walt Disney
- Sergei Eisenstein
- Alfred Hitchcock
- Akira Kurosawa
- Fritz Lang
- George Lucas
- Frances Marion
- Leni Riefenstahl
- Martin Scorsese
- Steven Spielberg
Inventeres, sientiistes e matematikistes
[edit source]- Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi
- Nicolas Appert
- Arkimede
- John Logie Baird
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Karl Benz
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Niels Bohr
- Tycho Brahe
- Rachel Carson
- Nicolaus Copernicus
- Marie Curie
- Charles Darwin
- Thomas Edison
- Albert Einstein
- Leonhard Euler
- Enrico Fermi
- Richard Feynman
- Alexander Fleming
- Henry Ford
- Joseph Fourier
- Buckminster Fuller
- Casimir Funk
- Galileo Galilei
- Bill Gates
- Carl Friedrich Gauss
- Kurt Gödel
- Johann Gutenberg
- David Hilbert
- Christiaan Huygens
- Hypatia of Alexandria
- Edward Jenner
- Steve Jobs
- Johannes Kepler
- John Maynard Keynes
- Donald Knuth
- Pierre-Simon Laplace
- Gottfried Leibniz
- Carolus Linnaeus
- Ignacy Łukasiewicz
- James Clerk Maxwell
- Isaac Newton
- Alfred Nobel
- Hans Christian Ørsted
- Louis Pasteur
- Dennis Ritchie
- Ole Rømer
- Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
- Bernhard Riemann
- Ernest Rutherford
- Richard Stallman
- Nikola Tesla
- Linus Torvalds
- Alan Turing
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Li Fratres Wright
Sosial sientiistes (filosofes, ekonomikistes, historiistes e penseres)
[edit source]- Thomas Aquinas
- Aristotéles
- Augustine de Hippo
- Averroes
- Simone de Beauvoir
- René Descartes
- Émile Durkheim
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Michel Foucault
- Sigmund Freud
- Edward Gibbon
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Germaine Greer
- Herodotus
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
- Hippocrates
- Immanuel Kant
- Martin Luther
- Rosa Luxemburg
- Søren Kierkegaard
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Niccolò Machiavelli
- Karl Marx
- Nagarjuna
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Thomas Paine
- Plato
- Pythagoras
- Sima Qian
- Stein Rokkan
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Bertrand Russell
- Adam Smith
- Socrates
- Sun Tzu
- Thales
- Voltaire
- Max Weber
Politikistes, dukteres e aristokrates
[edit source]- Akbar
- Alexander the Great
- Kofi Annan
- Kemal Atatürk
- Attila li Hun
- Augustus
- Hastings Banda
- Papo Benedikt XVI
- Silvio Berlusconi
- Otto von Bismarck
- Tony Blair
- Simón Bolívar
- Napoleon I de Fransia
- Lucrezia Borgia
- Gro Harlem Brundtland
- George W. Bush
- Fidel Castro
- Catherine II of Russia
- Charlemagne
- Jacques Chirac
- Emperera Cixi (dowager)
- Winston Churchill
- Cleopatra VII de Egipte
- Diana, Prinsa de Wales
- Indira Gandhi
- Constantine I (emperere)
- Elisabeth I de Anglia
- Elisabeth II
- Arkiduke Franz Ferdinand de Austria
- Charles de Gaulle
- Mikhail Gorbachev
- Hammurabi
- Hannibal
- Hirohito
- Adolf Hitler
- Thomas Jefferson
- Papo John Paul II
- Julius Caesar
- Genghis Khan
- Lee Kuan Yew
- Vladimir Lenin
- Abraham Lincoln
- Nelson Mandela
- Mao Zedong
- Maria Theresa de Austria
- Mary I de Scotia
- Golda Meir
- Christian Michelsen
- Mahathir bin Mohamad
- Benito Mussolini
- Nefertiti
- Kwame Nkrumah
- Eva Perón
- Peter I de Rusia
- Józef Piłsudski
- Pol Pot
- Vladimir Putin
- Qin Shi Huang
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Saladin
- Gerhard Schröder
- Semiramis
- Shaka Zulu
- Queen of Sheba
- Sitting Bull
- Joseph Stalin
- Margaret Thatcher
- Timur
- Leon Trotsky
- Harry S. Truman
- Rega Victoria del Unisat Regia
- Lech Wałęsa
- George Washington
- Wilhelm II de Germania
Revolutionares e aktivistes
[edit source]- Jeanne d’Arc
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Emma Goldman
- Che Guevara
- Mother Jones
- Helen Keller
- Ho Chi Minh
- Osama bin Laden
- Florence Nightingale
- Rosa Parks
- Emilia Plater
- Gavrilo Princip
- Matra Teresa
- Sojourner Truth
- Harriet Tubman
[edit source]Aminim sink satses pri:
Prehistorie e ansieni monde
[edit source]- Ansieni Egipte
- Ansieni Grekia
- Ansieni Roma
- Arkeologia
- Bronse Epoke
- Bisantini Empereria
- Han Dinastie
- Homal evolutione
- Indus Vale Civilisatione
- Maya Civilisatione
- Fere Epoke
- Masedoni Imperie
- Mesoamerika
- Prehistorie
- Seljuk Empereria
- Petre Epoke
- Sumer
Medieve e Renesanse
[edit source]- Epoke de Ilumino
- Americani Revolutionari Milite
- Astek
- Nigri Morio
- Konter-Reformatione
- Krusades
- Este-Weste Skisme
- Otanti Yares Milite
- Angli Sivil Milite
- Europan kolonisatione del Amerikas
- Fransi Revolutione
- Sankti Roman Imperie
- Inka Imperie
- Medieve
- Ming Dynastie
- |Napoleonal Milites
- Otoman Imperie
- Partisos de Polonia
- Poloni-Lituani Unione
- Protestanti Reformatione
- Renesanse
- Song Dinastie
- Spani Inquisitione
- Tang Dinastie
- Vikinges
- Yuan Dinastie
Industrial Epoke
[edit source]- 1973 olie krise
- Amerikani Sivil Milite
- Apartheid
- Britan Imperie
- Koldi Milite
- Deskolonisatione
- Establio del State de Israel
- Disolutione del Sovieti Unione
- Franko-Prusiani Milite
- Germani ri-unifikatione
- German Unifikatione de Germania
- Grandi Depresione
- Unesmi Persi Gulfe Milite
- Li Holokauste
- Industrial Revolutione
- Iraniani Revolutione
- Unifikatione de Italia
- Koreani Milite
- Meiji Restoratione
- Nazi Germania
- Poloni-Sovieti Milite
- Qing Dinastie
- Ri-unifikatione de Germania
- Rusi Sivil Milite
- Rusi Revolutione de 1917
- Kolonisatione de Afrika
- Solidaritate in Polonia
- Sovieti milite in Afghanistan
- Spatie exploratione
- Spani Sivil Milite
- Traktate de Versailles
- Vietnami Milite
- Unesmi Mondal Milite
- Duesmi Mondal Milite